The Green Team

The Green Team (formerly The Environmental Ministry Team) is  dedicated to environmental issues within our church, the wider community and the world, acting on ways to be good stewards of the environment through education, recycling and energy efficiency. We invite everyone who has a passion for caring for God’s creation to come and learn about the work we’re doing to make Glen Ellyn a more sustainable, resilient, and compassionate community. These include efforts to focus on renewable energy and to nurture locally grown produce; if you like to garden, you’ll love what we have in store!

The Eden Project

The Green Team is worked on a project in the spring of 2023 to plant at least 30 raised bed gardens across DuPage County, primarily on the property of FCCGE church members. The produce will be directed to local food pantries and individuals in need. We believe this will accomplish several important sustainability goals:


  1. Provide nutritious sustenance for the hungry in our community
  2. Teach participants the skills to grow their own food
  3. Reduce local carbon output by limiting the need for widely transported, store-bought produce that relies on industrial agriculture and extensive supply chains
  4. Strengthen our partnership with Gardenworks, a local mission partner that provides materials and training for folks to cultivate their own gardens

Contact: Nancy Bell or Tom Rausch.

This project has ended for the 2023 growing season. Watch for 2024!

Green Team Hike

Sun. Jan. 28th, 2 pm
Herrick Lake

We had a great turnout at Churchill Woods New Years day for our first Green Team hike of 2024! Join us Sunday January 28th at Herrick Lake for our next hike.  We’ll meet in the parking lot off of Herrick Rd. just south of Butterfield Rd. Jeannine has reserved the South Shelter so we can gather after a walk for warm conversation and maybe a treat together. Firewood is provided by the Forest Preserve District so we can have a campfire and s’mores as well. Please let Jeannine know if you can help with s’mores or if you’d like to bring tea or hot cocoa.

Green Team Film Viewings and Discussion

Feb. 4 and April 28

A revolutionary group of activists, scientists, farmers, and politicians band together in a global movement of “Regenerative Agriculture” that could balance our climate, replenish our vast water supplies, and feed the world.

The FCCGE Green Team invites you to our viewing and discussion of the films “Kiss the Ground” and its follow-up “Common Ground” in Pilgrim Hall on Sundays February 4th and April 28th from 11:15 am and 2:15 pm. We’ll enjoy a fellowship salad bar meal. For details and to RSVP click on these links: