FCCGE Children and Youth Events

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 12th at 10 am


Grab your little one and head on over to FCCGE for our yearly Easter Egg Hunt! Bring your empty Easter basket and a nonperishable food item to share for Glen House. Your little one will have a blast looking all over the church for eggs filled with treats. Beverages and donut holes will be there to keep them alert and active! No need to register-just show up and bring friends.

VBS 2025

Mon. June 23rd- Fri June 27th
8:30 am – Noon

It is with great joy that we open up our Community VBS registration for participants and volunteers. You may find details about this year and sign-up online by the link below. Grab your spot!

Tower Hill Church Weekend Away 

Friday, July 18th – 20th 
ALL are Welcome!  

Our annual fellowship tradition to enjoy nature and relax. Stay at UCC Tower Hill Camp on the shores adjacent to the Warren Dunes in Sawyer, MI. Enjoy swimming, the beach, the Dunes, trails, star gazing, storytelling, and campfires. Follow the link below for more information and to register. 

Registration OPEN for Summer UCC Camps

There are several different camps for all ages at Tower Hill and Pilgrim Park. To learn more about the camps offered at each location, click on the links below:

  • Tower Hill (Godstock & Godstock Tenderfoot, HUG & HUG Tenderfoot, Climate Action Camp)
  • Pilgrim Park (Spirt & Spirit Tenderfoot, Making Memories formerly Grandparents & Me)

Registration for all camps is here.

Contact Catherine Curtis, Director of Christian Education about camp scholarships.

Sunday Morning Faith Formation for Children and Youth

    • See the Friday Family email for more details or contact Director of Christian Education, Catherine Curtis ( or 630-469-3096 ext. 23) or Director of Youth Ministry, Tanner Spears (or 30-469-3096 ext. 28). 
    • Nursery Care for infants and toddlers during the worship service.
    • Church School
      • Preschool – Class for three, four and Pre-K five year olds in the Preschool Room, Lower Level, Room 1 during the worship service.
      • Kindergarten – 5th grades – Elementary-age children begin in worship with their families and are invited to meet their church school leaders at the back of the church to go up to classes following the Confess Response.  On most Communion Sundays, Kindergarten – 5th grade students will return to the Sanctuary to partake of Communion with their families and the congregation.
    • Confirmation 
      • Class for 6th – 8th grades begins September 15th during the worship service.  On most Communion Sundays, there is no Confirmation class so that Confirmands may worship with family and friends.

Online Registration for Families is OPEN and LIVE 

We invite and encourage you to register our children and youth from infants through 12th graders by following this link.  This information is invaluable to us so that we may welcome the children and youth and provide a safe space to explore their faith, make friendships, and feel fully a part of our community.  Thanks for registering!

Important Dates for Families

▪ Saturday, April 12th – Easter Egg Hunt 10:00 am
▪ Monday, June 23rd – Friday, June 27th – Vacation Bible School 8:30am – 12:00pm
▪ Friday, July 18th – Sunday, July 20th – Tower Hill Church Weekend Away Youth Group


Upcoming Dates:

Standard youth group time is JR High: 5-630pm and SR High: 630-8pm unless noted below:
3/30: Cardboard Box Fight Night! Combined Youth Group 3-6pm (first hour is build / prep time!)
4/6: SPRING BREAK – No Youth Group
4/13: Rebuilding Together with David Hecht – RSVP (making homeowner care package)
4/20: EASTER – No Youth Group
4/26: Rebuilding Together 7am-2pm *Free Lunch & T-Shirt*
4/27: *Off-Site* JR HI Only Activity: Trampoline Park!
Confirmation Upcoming Dates:
3/30: Lesson 18: Queer Hands of God with Seminary Intern Delaney
4/6: No Lesson, attend worship and communion