Directed by Sherry Flugel and accompanied by Lora Ilhardt, includes children age four through second grade. This group performs two times a year, rehearsing a few times prior to each performance in December and May. This choir offers a great way to introduce children to the joy of group singing without a huge time commitment. Contact Sherry.
The Joyful Noise choir, directed by Michele Hecht , includes children in grades two through six. Preparation begins in October for a fully-staged musical cantata in December and continues through the spring. Kids can join at any time of year. Joyful Noise is currently on hiatus.
The Jr. High Singers, directed by Jeff Haeger, includes boys and girls in grades six through eight. This group performs twice a year, rehearsing a few times before each performance. This year, they will sing on Jr. High Sunday and February 2, 2020. Watch for announcements and emails in October and January. Contact Jeff Haeger for more information.
Singers are invited to sing with the adult choir, perform solos or in small groups, and / or get involved with the One Voice Outreach Choir for high school students.
The FCCGE Choir is an adult choir, directed by Michele Hecht and Jeff Haeger, that sings a variety of musical styles and performs in worship on Sundays.
Rehearsals: Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Contact Michele Hecht 630.469.3096 X 15 for more information.
This choir is an interdenominational group of high school students and is a faith-based outreach to bring teenagers together with senior citizens through concerts and fellowship at area nursing homes and retirement centers. Auditions are held in May. Choir rehearsals are every Tuesday from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. in the All-Purpose Room-Sept. through mid May. Contact Jennifer Frazer 630.858.0693 for more information.
Handbell Choir
The Handbell Choir, directed by Matthew Prins, is open to 6th graders through adults. The ability to read music is very helpful, but ringing experience is not a pre-requisite. Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 7:15-8:15 pm. Contact Matthew Prins for more information.
Soloists and ensembles are invited to share their talents during Sunday morning worship services. On special occasions, we invite players to participate in a large ensemble, such as an orchestra. Contact Michele Hecht 630.469.3096 X 15 for more information.
Taizé Ensemble
Experienced instrumentalists are invited to play in a small ensemble on Communion Sundays (usually once a month). In general, we use the prayerful and repetitive music from the Taizé community of France.
Recorder Ensemble
The Recorder Ensemble is a group of adult musicians who play recorders of all sizes and perform folk, classical and music of the Renaissance. They meet on an occasional basis. Contact Michele Hecht 630.469.3096 X 15 for more information.
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