Community Groups offer wonderful opportunities to make friends, enjoy refreshments, and deepen our faith. Bible Studies, book group, and women’s groups are all available.
Christmas Tea at the Drake This group is open to anyone working in Chicago (or anyone who would like to hop the train) to get together for our yearly Tea at the Drake at Christmas time.
Noon Prayer Need a mid-week lift or time to reflect? Every Wednesday we meet on ZOOM from Noon-12:20 pm for brief prayer time. Join us to listen and pray, silently or with your voice. Camera on/camera off-we just want you there. Hosted by clergy.Join us by clicking here right before Noon on Wednesdays.
Advent Festival Join us for our annual all-ages Advent Festival at the beginning of Advent! Come share the joy of the season with other church families and friends when we create holiday crafts and talk at the table over a simple meal and hot chocolate.
Euchre Night Join us for our annual Euchre Night tournament (usually takes place in early March, off-site at member’s home). Current and new players welcome for an evening of fun and friends.
Church Weekend Away at Tower Hill Individuals, couples and families stay in one of the lodges and enjoy swimming at a private beach, playing in the sand, climbing the dunes, star-gazing, and time with friends and fellowship. A weekend of fun at UCC Tower Hill Camp in Sawyer, MI.
Christmas Pageant (Kindergarden-8):In December, children and youth volunteer for the pageant. There is one dress rehearsal during the day, so that the children are comfortable putting on this performance. We invite interested folks to help tell the story of Jesus’ birth, via the pageant.
Vacation Bible School This annual event is a hands-on intergenerational learning experience which is held in June from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon. A theme is determined each year and planning begins during the winter months. Volunteers are crucial to make this a safe and impactful event.
Heart-to-Heart After-Service Reflection Are you interested in forming deeper relationships with others from church and enhancing your sense of community and belonging? Would you like to participate in a small group and have connecting conversations? If so, the new Heart-to-Heart After-Service Reflection group will meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm, in the All-Purpose Room. This group is for adults. You will be invited to share aspects of the service that were moving and inspiring to you. If this speaks to you, please join us! If you have any questions, please talk to Teresa Exner at the Welcome Desk on Sundays, e‑mail her, or text her (630‑478‑1747). Other group leaders are Myra Walden and Katie Lindberg.
Bible Study
The 2nd and 4th Mondays through May (March 10 and 24, April 14 and 28, May 12). Each bible study will be led by either Pastor Kyle or Pastor Seth. Bring your own Bible and join us!