Our Eden Project's "Giving Garden" Initiative
Do you have a passion for peppers or are crazy for cukes? Share the bounty of your backyard, balcony, or raised garden with our neighbors who may not otherwise have access to fresh produce. Plant some extra veggies to share with neighbors via our local food pantries. It’s easy and fun and a great way to learn more about sustainable and equitable food practices while swapping tips with church friends.
Church members and friends of the church may participate by planting a Giving Garden at their home or borrowed space. We commit to plant at least 30 FCCGE household gardens where a portion of produce will be directed to local food pantries and individuals in need. Questions? Contact Nancy Bell.
Please sign up below to let us know you’d like to support the Eden project with a Growing Garden!

Growing a Giving Garden
Food pantries need fresh produce. Food pantries are mostly reliant
on donations from food rescue organizations or charitable gifts from
the community, often near the end of shelf life. Fresh produce is often
in high demand and choice is often limited. Join the movement
towards improved community health and greater food equity
within your region by donating produce from your garden this

Eden Project Harvest
New Details on Recording Your Harvest
It’s that exciting time of the year when gardeners are harvesting their bounty (and not so joyfully sharing with various critters!). If you have herbs or produce to share with the Glen House Food Pantry please help us to track the donations when you drop it off via our online 2024 Eden Project form. If you cannot drop-off your produce at the food pantry, bring it to church on Sunday mornings and deposit in the basket(s) provided and note your donation on the form alongside the produce basket. We will deliver your donation to the Glen House Food Pantry. So far our Eden Project gardeners have donated over 140 pounds of herbs and produce. Although they do not weigh much, herbs are a high-value produce item, very much treasured by food pantry shoppers.
Helpful Links
- Why compost for the planet?
- Illinois Food Scrap Coalition – great statewide organization trying to increase composting of organic materials.
- Composting garden benefits
Learn more:
gardenworksproject.org/ | info@gardenworksproject.org | @gardenworksproject