Infants, Toddlers & Preschool

Infants, Toddlers & Preschool

Infants and Toddlers

Church Nursery

Just as Jesus welcomed the children, our staff and youth volunteers welcome our youngest so that their first congregational experience of Christ’s love is their welcome in our nursery.

Nursery Care is available for infants and toddlers during both the 9:00 am and the 10:30 am worship service during the mid-September to mid-May program year and during our summer single worship service.  Childcare in our church nursery is provided by church staff and supplemented with volunteers as needed.  It is located just to the left after you enter through the parking lot’s double doors. Please enter the nursery through the church lobby entrance past the coat racks and around the corner. Parents sign-in their children before worship, are assigned pagers and return their pager to check-out their child.  

Please register your child here and contact Catherine Curtis, (630.469.3096 X 23) Director of Christian Education to schedule a tour or for more details.


Preschool/Pre-K Class

Our goal is to welcome the young children into the life of the church so that they feel and know they belong to our community, that they are welcome, that they are valued, and that they are beloved of God.  We hope to communicate the nature of God and the Way of Jesus through the stories of our faith and through our own behaviors.  

Class for our three and four year old preschool students and five year old pre-kindergarten students meets during our 10:30 am worship services during our program year from mid-August to mid-May in the lower level in Room LL1 across from the restrooms and water fountains accessed by the stairwell next to our parking lot entrance.  (Note alternative summer programming will be offered from mid-May to the end of June.)  Parents sign-in their children before worship and leave their cell phone number should they need to be contacted.  Class is taught by a dedicated teaching team of four teachers who rotate and are assisted by adult and high school volunteers.

Each Sunday children hear a developmentally appropriate story of our faith, do a craft or activity to respond to the story, learn a prayer or song, and spend time playing and developing relationships with their peers and caring teachers.   Parents check-out their children following worship.  

Please register your child here and contact Catherine Curtis, (630.469.3096 X 23) Director of Christian Education to schedule a tour or for more details.

Safe Sanctuary Policy

Just as Jesus welcomed the child First Congregational Church takes seriously its responsibility to provide Christian Education and Youth Ministries for its members in a safe environment. In order to maintain a safe environment, it is our policy to provide adequate supervision of all children and youth activities. Click here to view the policy.