Royalties for Spirituals

Negro Spirituals

There is a Balm in Gilead

Praise His Holy Name-coming March 18th!


In addition to a focus on spirituals in worship, we have a robust plan for adult education through book and film discussions and presentations by guest speakers and musicians. Books on related topics will also be on display and available in the church library.

Stay tuned for future events and speakers.

Can We Get an “Amen”?

Thanks to your generosity, our campaign to raise funds for Royalties for Spirituals brought in nearly $3000 last Spring.

The historical term, “Negro Spiritual,” refers to the enormous collection of songs created by enslaved black people. We regularly sing these songs as hymns and anthems in worship. As part of our new social justice initiative, we have taken up special offerings to pay royalties for the use of Negro Spirituals twice a year for the next two years. Our offerings for 2024 which will support DuPage County ACT-SO (Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics), a nation-wide program sponsored by the NAACP, that encourages high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students. Consider getting involved as a mentor or judge for the ACT-SO program, or join our new Racial Justice Ministry. If you would still like to contribute, you can make a contribution through Tithely, please select “Royalties for Spirituals” in the drop-down menu. For more information, contact Rev. Kyle Roggenbuck .  

Suggested Reading:


In Their Own Words:– Slave Life and the Power of Spirituals by Eileen Guenther, 2016

May We Forever Stand: A History of the Black National Anthem by Imani Perry, 2018

The Book of Negro Spirituals, ed. James Weldon Johnson, 1925

The Music of Black Americans, A History, Third Edition by Eileen Southern, 1997

The Creation of Negro Spirituals: An Ennobling Power of Survival, Laurie Treat, 2019

Way Over in Beulah Lan’: Understanding and Performing the Negro Spiritual by Dr. André Thomas, 2007

DuPage ACT-SO Competition

Sat., March 15

Judges needed in several categories (visual arts, humanities, sciences, music). FCCGE has been supporting the DuPage ACT-SO program with our Royalties for Spirituals and with volunteers for the local competition. Our next offering will be on Cantata Sunday, March 16th.