Class for 6th-8th graders during worship (Youth Room, lower level, Room LL20). There is no Confirmation class on Communion Sundays. Confirmands are encouraged to serve in worship or with church school for service hours on those dates. Please refer to your digital service hour tracking sheet for who to contact to usher, acolyte, read, play music, etc..
Confirmation Year 1 – 6th Grade
Youth in this class will dig deeper into the Bible by discovering who wrote it, understanding the time line of when it was written and why different books were included or excluded. Confirmation is available during the 10am service mid-September – May. For the 6th- 8th Confirmation schedule please click here.
For more information, contact Tanner Spears, (630.469.3096 X 25) Director of Youth Ministry. Register your child here.
Confirmation Year 2 – 7th Grade
This year encompasses exploration and faith seeking as youth learn about stories, texts and traditions that pre-date Christianity. Youth deepen their familiarity with the Hebrew scriptures and examine relationships between Christianity and other faith traditions. Confirmation is available during the 10am service mid-September – May. For the 6th-8th Confirmation schedule please click here.
For more information, contact Tanner Spears, (630.469.3096 X 28) Director of Youth Ministry. Register your child here.
Confirmation Year 3 – 8th Grade
In the final year of our Confirmation program, youth will prepare for church membership by exploring the Christian story, learning about the United Church of Christ and discerning what they believe. Each Confirmand is required to select a sponsor who will help guide them through the nine-month process. The program requires a high level of commitment from class members, their families and sponsors. Confirmation is available during the 10am service mid-September – May. For the 6th-8th grade Confirmation schedule please click here.
For more information, contact Tanner Spears (630.460.3096 X 28) Director of Youth Ministry. Register your childhere.
Youth Fellowship
Junior High Youth Fellowship is for youth in 6th, 7th and 8th grades. In the midst of the transition, growth and just plain silliness of the junior high years, we intentionally make space for moments of true communion, where each of us–in the beauty of God’s diversity–comes together to play and to affirm one another. This is what makes youth fellowship different from school and other activities…Junior High Youth Fellowship encourages a community of care and respect that is open and vulnerable to real feelings and experiences, where it doesn’t matter who’s friends with whom, or what you’re supposed to say or not to say. It’s not necessary for a student to be attending FCCGE church school or be part of a family that worships here. It is also possible to join during the school year. We welcome any student at any time. For more details, contact Tanner Spears,(630.469.3096 X 28) Director of Youth Ministry.
Our Whole Lives (“OWL”)
For the past 10 years, FCCGE has provided our 7th – 12th grade youth the opportunity to study human sexuality using the life-span comprehensive resource of Our Whole Lives, which provides information that is age-appropriate, medically-accurate, immediately relevant and also applicable for later life. The Our Whole Lives ministry emphasizes and underscores the values of love, mutuality, self-worth, health, responsibility, justice and inclusivity and is taught by trained and certified staff and lay leaders of our congregation. Our Whole Lives is open to youth from 7th – 12th grades, both to youth from our congregation and youth who are friends of the church. Please contact Catherine Curtis (630.469.3096 X 23) Director of Christian Education.
Safe Sanctuary Policy
First Congregational Church takes seriously its responsibility to provide Christian Education and Youth Ministries for its members in a safe environment. In order to maintain a safe environment, it is our policy to provide adequate supervision of all children and youth activities.Click here to view the policy.